Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Kobo - my hated ereader

Ahem. I have never claimed to love technology although I do use it once I figure it out.. although my Nano is still lost after I could not figure out how to turn it off.....

Now onto my Kobo. I think that I did my due dilligence in trying to find the right ereader to meet my Luddite abilities and my practical realities....

But now the f&cker is frozen after 3 months... more specifically it froze on chapter 7 of 'Catching Fire: The Hunger Games part 2'. Why this did not happen while I was reading the painfully slow and inconsistent Incredibly Loud and Extremely Close (or something like that) I have no idea... except maybe Karma.

I went on youtube thinking that the genius that did the comparison to the Kindle which helped me decide on the Kobo would be there to help me through this 'hurdle'. However there are very few problem shooting videos on there for the Kobo... Maybe I should have gone with the Kindle - at least then I could call Amazon and yell at one their employees.

Instead I am looking at this paperweight and realising that my first instinct was right - ereaders SUCK and no matter how fancy pants they get - they can never replace the actual feeling of a book in my hand where th eonly bad thing that can stop me from reading is a screaming child or a misplaced book.

Damn you Kobo for wreaking my 5 free minutes!!!!

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