Monday, February 13, 2012

Trevor French ('Hobby' farmer in South Langley)

You might not know the name mentioned above - but I assure you he is suspected of being a DOUCHE BAG extreme. He is the person who was selected by the Vancouver Park Board to provide retirement for 17 goats and 4 sheep from the beloved Stanley Park Children's Farmyard. He is the person who days later sold those same goats and sheep at auction for slaughter. The full story is in the Vancouver Sun Monday February 13th, 2012 Final Edition (front page no less).

Parks board staff rigorously went through an adoption process and drafted a tight adoption agreement which included the animals not be sold to a third party or used for human consumption. It was a 'retirement' plan for the goats and sheep.

Turns out you can't really vet for some evil jerks. Perhaps this guy got some extreme satisfaction in selling those goats and sheep to the slaughterhouse DAYS after adopting them from the Park Board. Maybe he got off on the idea of killing something that brought joy to the children of the Lower Mainland. Maybe he was proud of duping the park board officials who cared and loved those animals. Whatever the reason the goats & sheep are unaccounted for and Mr. French can't really explain to anyone where they are. Which may be true - who knows exactly WHERE slaughtered goats whose safety you were entrusted with keeping actually go when you SELL them at auction for slaughter.

Golden Ground Farms is the name of Trevor French's meat company which sells meat for dogs and human consumption. Hmmm -how many unwitting Langley residents were mawing down on petting zoo goats?

I usually support small farms and ethical organic operations. I am not a vegetarian. I take great exception with someone who signs an agreement of trust to care for certain animals in a certain way and then turns around and violates that trust and agreement. Three weeks after being given the responsibility to care for these goats into old age, Trevor French took 17 goats and sheep to the Fraser Valley Auction. Many of the goats brought to auction for slaughter matched the description of the goats adopted out by the Park Board.

Even the people who Trevor French claim can verify the goats were on his property in the summer of 2011 refute his story indicating that they were on the farm in March and only saw 10 goats. The adoption agreement was signed January 31st, he was at the auction on February 19th, 2011.

So again I am left with the question - WHAT THE F&CK is wrong with some people? Is your moral compass so screwed up that you think that your church group will collude with you in lying about killing goats from the park board? Apparently Trevor French is embroiled in a nasty divorce right now (shocking given his way of doing business) and I can only hope that his wife is financially castrating him.

You Trevor French deserve a HUGE kick in the junk.


  1. This is the email of Trevor French.

    1. Just HAD to start following this blog so I could comment on this.....if I didn't know better, I would say that you know Trevor French personally like I do. I can assure you that he deliberately took those goats with the intention of getting rid of them. In order to maintain 'farm status' you need to have a certain amount of livestock on your property and be able to show that you have sold some. By maintaining a farm status, French pays way lower property taxes (aprox. $2500/yearly instead of $8000)...he is a manipulator and pathological liar :)

  2. Every time he was on the news he lied and changed his story. First the goats were mean and nasty (Really??? petting zoo animals?) then he was going through a sudden divorce and had a 'nasty' ex-wife. His divorce was NOT sudden...his wife left him over 2 years BEFORE he adopted the animals. She left because of his constant infidelity throughout their entire marriage (I know this to be FACT). You summed him up perfectly...I love it!

    1. Hi there beentheredonethat (love the handle!)

      I actually don't know Trevor French personally but he certainly sounded like a dirt bag right from the get go. I don't blog very often but his level of douche was so high I felt the need to vent.

      Cheers & enjoy the blog.
